Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Are you in God's Waiting Room?

I hope everyone enjoyed our opening session of the Christmas Experience this past weekend.  Since Sunday, I have been thinking a lot about the “Winters” I have went through and how waiting in God’s “Waiting Room” is difficult at times.  We all have our own stories…or should I say struggles” of waiting in the “Waiting Room”….maybe you are there now.  From personal experience, I know I have asked “Why?......Why is God making me go through this?.....Why is God not answering my prayers?.....or Why is God making me wait?”  

Isaiah 60:22 says “I, the Lord, will bring it all to pass at the right time.”    

Maybe we wait, first, because He wants us to trust Him.  The timing is his, not ours.  Or perhaps He wants to remind us that He is God and we are not.  What if waiting helps grow our Faith.  More than anything else, God desires a relationship with us.  So maybe we wait because He desires for us to walk with Him, listen to Him, and have hope that He will work on our behalf.  We wait on Him to test our belief that He really does work for the good of those who love Him and are called according to his purpose.  We wait because the testing of our Faith develops perseverance and helps us to grow spiritually. 

Feel free to share with the group your stories of Winters or time spent in the Waiting Room and outcomes.  Please remember that this forum needs to be a place of positive encouragement, we are here to support and lift each other up.  (Which means I will monitor postings and delete comments that are degrading or unsupportive).

Looking forward to learning more about Mary with all of you on Sunday, hope you can join us!


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