Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Are You a Servant of the Lord?

"My Soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in god my Savior, for He has been mindful of the humble state of His servant” (Luke 1:46-48)

Reflecting back on Sunday's video presentation of Mary, I am awe-struck at her humility and willingness to be a “servant of the Lord”.  As we discussed on Sunday, even when we know God is calling us or leading us in a direction, it can be hard to simply say “I am a servant of the Lord” and do or go as He commands.  As I shared on Sunday, I felt the calling to lead a small group a year ago, and I partially said “I am a servant of the Lord”.  I said “ok” at the time, talked to Pastor Mark, prayed, read, asked for direction, bought several small group study kits/books…..and then did nothing but make excuses.   I went through the motions, but I allowed fear of failure to keep me from following through.  I was NOT a servant of the Lord.  

So, I was left asking myself “What have I learn from Mary about leading a small group”?  

First, she was a humble servant.  She delighted herself in her relationship with God.  In Luke 1:46-47, Mary said “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior”.  This is where Godly leadership starts.  Mary exemplified for Jesus what a relationship with God looked like.  In scripture, Jesus often withdrew to solitary places to spend time with his Father…and so should we!

Secondly, Mary knew who and WHOSE she was.  Mary said with humble confidence “I am the Lord’s servant”.  Godly leaders know their identity in Christ, so they don’t have to try to be something they’re not; they can be authentic.

Third, Mary was called and responded in obedience to her calling. In Luke 1:38 Mary stated, “May it be to me as you have said.”  Leadership is a calling by God, not just a recruiting by a church minister or volunteer.  Responding to God’s call rather than initiating ministry out of your own aspirations makes all the difference!

I WANT to be more like Mary.  I want to be humble.  I WANT TO BE A SERVANT OF THE LORD!

I would love to hear your thoughts on this past week’s study or how you have been a “servant of the Lord”.   As promised, I have included the prayer I shared with you Sunday night.


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