Sunday, November 10, 2013

The 12 Days of Christmas Faithbooking Challenge

The 12 Days of Christmas Faithbooking Challenge #1

When I first talked to Mark about hosting a small group, I wanted it to include a component that would allow a person to express their faith through crafting, journaling, scrapbooking, etc.  Hence the small group title “Expressions of Faith”.  Although it isn’t necessary to do that part of the small group, I hope you will incorporate it somehow.  In a sense, it will become your testimonial of faith that will be a keepsake you will enjoy reflecting on often and sharing with others.

Soooooo (drum roll inserted here)…….you are invited to participate in the "The 12 Days of Christmas" Faithbook challenge!  (I found this information online at and immediately knew it was the perfect accompaniment to the 6 week Christmas Experience study).  We've all heard this song growing up, but I never realized that each verse of the song also had a Biblical meaning. So, over the next few weeks, we will be exploring the Biblical meanings of each verse of the song.  You can do your craft of choice, journal, scrapbook….whatever you want to show what the verse and meaning means to you.  Each Sunday and Thursday for the next 6 weeks I will post the traditional verse, and it's Biblical meaning. After the 6 weeks is over, you should have a beautiful reminder that you can share with your family and friends as to what the Biblical meanings are for "The 12 Days of Christmas"!

Let’s get started!

On the first day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
A partridge in a pear tree.

THE PARTRIDGE: The partridge in a pear tree is Christ Jesus upon the Cross. In the song, Christ is symbolically presented as a mother partridge because she would feign injury to decoy a predator away from her nestlings. She was even willing to die for them.

THE PEAR TREE: The tree is the symbol of the fall of the human race through the sin of Adam and Eve. It is also the symbol of its redemption by Jesus Christ on the tree of the Cross.

MY TRUE LOVE: True Love refers to God

I would love to see how you interpret this…..I will upload my “expression of faith” creation as soon as I have it completed.  Until then, I included the example on the blog where I found the information for inspiration.

Have a blessed day!


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